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Tarot Predictions And History
Shakespeare (1564-1616) is the greatest Elizabethan dramatist. He wrote tragedies and comedies of great height. In his hands, the romantic dramas reached its peak. John Dryden called him the Homer or the father of the poets. Aristotle, the great literary figure, is known as a law giver and his work ‘The Poetics’ is the evident of it. Shakespeare follows him, but in some cases, he is very different. The law of three unities is completely violated by him. Over all, he goes on the track of Aristotle. His master piece work is Hamlet, and we discuss his concept of tragedy with reference to Hamlet and other popular tragedies.
And the poets, like: Robert W. Service, Robert Bly, Carl Sandburg (I remember him in grade school), and Frost, and Donald Hall, Cesar Vallejo, and Georg Trakl, Dylan Thomas, Clark Ashton Smith, George Sterling, and Dennis L. Siluk.Siluk, did I say Siluk.woops.what did they write, was it right?
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One of the goals of White Studies is to understand the complexity of The Deal and to try and answer that question. The answer is critical to the future of our nation. One of the main barriers to transforming our dysfunctional social and political system is what W.E.B. DuBois recognized so long ago, the Color Line.
But even though UM’s first Black Studies class was taught by a white man, the racists on campus still howled in protest. They argued loud and long that if “the blacks” (and they used another term that I won’t repeat here) had Black Comics studies, why not have White Studies? Of course, much of the class was taken up with the history of whiteness in America. Black people sure didn’t invent The Strange Career of Jim Crow described by historian C. Vann Woodward (one of the texts that Dr. Carter assigned to us).
But for the most part, the Scots of America, like other ethnic groups, took The Deal and ran with it. They traded an important part of their national heritage for the privilege of becoming white people. Today one can attend annual dinners toasting Robert Burns or go to a Scottish Highland Games Festival to see Scottish dances and Scottish athletic contests, but the racial history that accompanied the Scots in America is nowhere to be found.
History is not something to be only read. In fact, it is impossible for a person to be only a history-reader. That is, we are history ourselves: every second we die and we are born again, until the final moment. The only difference between human beings is whether they are able to make history or not.
“Inspiration (from the Latin inspirare, meaning “to breathe into”) refers to an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour. The concept has origins in both Hellenism and Hebraism. The Greeks believed that inspiration came from the muses, as well as the gods Apollo and Dionysus. Similarly, in the Ancient Norse religions, inspiration derives from the gods, such as Odin. Inspiration is also a divine matter in Hebrew Poetics. In the Book of Amos the prophet speaks of being overwhelmed by God’s voice and compelled to speak. In Christianity, inspiration is a gift of the Holy Spirit”. ~ Wikipedia.
Another way to learn Spanish at home as well as become familiar with the language (and enjoy it at the same time) is to watch Spanish movies without subtitles. In this way, you will be bound to pay attention to the spoken language, which will further strengthen your grasp on it. Depending on where you live, you could also watch Spanish language TV programs. This is excellent practice for using your new language.
To the north of Edom, bordering the Salt (or Dead) Sea, lies Moah. Moabites descended from Lot, nephew of Abraham. So they were also relatives of the Hebrews. And they too were condemned by the Hebrew prophets. Amos said Moah will be destroyed for desecrating the bones of the king of Edom. And Zephaniah, as we mentioned before, prophesied that Moab would become like Sodom.
Take the time to find stories to illustrate you main historical points and you’ll have more fun teaching and your students will have more fun learning. Want proof? I still run into students I taught 20 years ago who say, “You know I still remember that story you told about Catherine the Great.” It doesn’t get better than that!